Just a while ago, I started to work on a Zelda Flash. Zelda The Ocarina of Time kinda inspired me. I wanna make an adventure movie, but with dumbass humour. I am only afraid to look similar to Haoudukendude. But we will see.
EDIT: I got some news. Getting a new laptop soon. So I might stop making the flash, in fact I deleted the .fla with my work yesterday, I wasn't satisfied with it. Sorry, but moving my data to another com is a pain in the arse. Still sooner or later I might let this movie out.
I plan on to learn drawing on the computer and making hand-drawned animations. Also gonna learn a lot of ActionScript 3. A lot of work, as you see. I hope to let out something soon, so keep your eyes open.
Regards to everyone!
Make sure to work long and hard on it, so it gets a good score.
And once you finish go back and fix all of the problems you see with it.